Thursday, September 25, 2008

No tooth fairy's allowed!

Well we are getting into the time of Samantha's life where she is going to lose her first tooth. She is excited about it because that means "im getting old like mommy" and she is excited about that. She will show everyone who will stop and look at her loose tooth. Then we told her about the tooth fairy, that she will leave quarters for every tooth she leaves under her pillow! Now if you know Samantha she is a princess so the thought of a fairy should be a good thing right.... ohh noo not with Sam, with the sternest look i have ever seen on her face she commanded " no tooth fairy"s will be allowed in my room"!! and she wouldn't just let it go at the proclamation! She has posted a "no tooth fairy allowed" sign on her bedroom door, and at each exit and entrance of both houses. Samantha has settled down about it but we can not take the signs down until she loses the first tooth to make sure the fairy knows not to come in. The washer and dryer delivery men delivered a new washer and dryer to the kids mom's house, the first word out of his mouth were " not a fan of they tooth fairy i see, does Santa have a chance" Time will only tell if the Easter bunny, Santa, and any other mythical people will be allowed in our house.


Robbi said...

Has she lost her tooth yet?

Jody said...

Come on Mic. We haven't seen a post about your new dog.