Monday, February 25, 2008

What is in a name

Jody Laughlin started a conversation on how they came up with their children's names So I have decided to add my 2 munchkins to it.

Samantha Rae Jensen Her first name was just something that we liked it was a toss up between Samantha or Sidney. We both liked Samantha better at the time. her middle name comes from her mom which is also her maternal grandfathers middle name but spelled Ray. If Sam was born a boy she would have been named Abraham Michael.

Bubba Jo Jensen well thats what everyone knows him as his real name is Lanny Michael Jensen. When it came time to name our second child the name Abraham just wasn't working for us anymore. we could not agree on a name that we both liked I really like Cole but Kimberly would have nothing to do with that! we kicked around many names Ian, Isaac, Soren (an old family name) but nothing fit. then we thought about having Bub be the 3 generation of Michaels, My Dad's name is Michael Frances, I'm Michael Glenn, and Bubba was almost Michael Lanny, The more i thought of it I really didn't want him to go through the whole big Mike Little Mike thing like I am still going through @ 31 yrs old ( i'm bigger than my pa and still get called little Mike). Dad goes by Mike I go by Mic so that left Mikey (which I hated growing up) or Michael and that sounded just to formal. So we changed it around to Lanny Michael, named after his 2 grandpa's and his pa. Bubba came from Samantha when he was born Sam could not say brother it came out Bubba and it stuck from day one!

My family is big on nick names pretty much if you are around my family long enough you'll end up with one. My younger sister named Candi her's is puggsly why i have no idea. My older sister Named Dawn just got a Y added to it for Dawny, I spent most of my life referred to as Clyde. so it is only fair that my kids ended up with their own nick names. Sam's is Maggoo it started out as Squig because of her hair when she was born she looked like Squiggie off of the Lavern and Sherily's show with her widows peak, then changed to Squigger Maggoo and has ended at just Maggoo. With Bubba you already know the story on that one. hope you enjoyed our ramblings, God bless


Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Proud Dad

Many of you that know us know that The good lord

blessed Samantha with alot of hair. At times it can be a handfull! Their are times when i have had to dig through the hair to find my beautiful little girl. as a DadAs many of you that know us, the good Lord has I am not very good at the art of a little girls hair so it is pretty obvious when I do her hair.

We started talking to Sam about Locks Of Love a couple months ago, just to show her if she ever wanted to cut her hair that something very good could become of the severed locks. well today was the day and i am here to tell ya I think it was harder on me then her when it came time to lop it off. It was a family affair, Sam and I went online to get the details and to look at the pictures (Sam like to look at the pictures) then we sat down and talked about it. Kim (the kids mom) came over to supervise, Bubba brought his trucks to get a front row seat And Jericho stood right next to Sam making sure she was ok. It may sound a little weird to go into this much detail with a 5 yr old about a haircut, but Sam has only had the back of her hair cut 3 times in her 5 yrs of life so it was a pretty big deal for our gang. Julie of course was the selected stylist as Kimberly and I stood by helplessly (ok maybe i am exaggerating ) awaiting the first cut.

To be able to donate to Locks Of Love it has to be a minimum of 10" long so Sam and I went and grabbed the tape measure so she would know how long 10 inches really is, then we had to get a plastic bag for the hair to go in. Samantha wrote her name on it the date and drew a smiley face. then it was in the chair we went. her hair was seperated into 2 ponytails and before we knew it snip snip both were gone. Julie, doing this for a living knew it was best to just cut it off before Kim or I could change or minds, like i said earlier this was Sam's choice. shortly after that she was stepping out of the chair. I'm here to tell ya what a difference a haircut makes. My sweet little 5 yr old now looks like she is 14.

After everything was all said and done and the pictures were taken Samantha proudly placed her 2 ponytails in her hand decorated bag and sealed it shut, handed it to me and said "now other boy's and girl's can have pretty hair like mine" Yeah Talk about a proud moment being a father that was defenatly in the top one or two! I am still amazed at what you can learn from your kids, and to think i thought it was the other way around. When it was all said and done Sam looked great and over 12 inches of hair was donated to Locks Of Love.